A Successful Physician Liaison — The 4 Essential Traits

4 Essential Traits of a Successful Physician Liaison

In the past, health systems could rely on referrals as a primary source of patient growth. But today’s changing market demands a more active and orchestrated approach. That’s why many successful practices now enlist the help of a skilled liaison to boost physician outreach efforts. As you know, physician liaisons serve as a key point of connection between health systems and providers, supporting multiple efforts, including onboarding, coordination and issue management. As health systems nationwide can attest, effective liaisons have become crucial to steady growth. But what makes an effective, top performer?

There are 4 essential traits that help successful physician liaisons get past gatekeepers and thrive in their role. See if you can check all the boxes, and discover tips for boosting your outcomes.

1. Personable & Engaging ✓

Physician liaisons are masters at relationships, building rapport and bridging the gap between an organization and providers. That means you’re comfortable working with any personality in any interaction. And you focus on building relationships over making sales, striving to open communication with referring physicians, clinical managers, front office staff and referral coordinators.

Pro Tip: On visits, think B.U.I.L.D — Build Rapport. Understand Purpose. Inquire. Log Results. Define Next Steps.

2. Knowledgeable About the Industry & Your Organization

A physician liaison is well-trained in the field and keeps up-to-date on their organization’s special services, new devices and facility resources. Did you know that when a doctor refers externally, it is usually due to a lack of knowledge of the services your health organization provides?

Pro Tip: Make sure that physicians always have all the information and details they need to refer a patient to your practice. The easier the process, the greater the likelihood of a referral.

3. Aware of Issues & Innovative in Driving Referral Increases

A Medscape Physician Lifestyle Survey revealed that physician burnout is a real problem. Close to half of physicians who participated in the survey said they are less happy at work, while over 67% reported being happy outside of work.

Pro Tip: Innovating a space that allows physicians to grow and experience job satisfaction is another way that liaisons can increase physician loyalty.

4. Data Savvy

Successful physician liaisons understand the importance of using data to maximize outreach efforts. So Google Maps isn’t your source for deciding which providers to visit. Instead, you leverage referral reports and issues resolved to prioritize which physicians provide the greatest opportunity.

Pro Tip: Creating a strategic story supported by data can not only help further the growth of your organization, but your leadership team will love it.

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The evolving duties of a physician liaison can seem endless and often overwhelming. Use a system designed to target, track and trend your progress, learn more about our Physician Relationship Management Platform for your team. 

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Date: August 10 2022
Subject: Physician Relations
About the author
Josh Cameron, MBA — President, Marketware
Josh Cameron, MBA

Executive Vice President

Marketware, a Division of Medsphere