Application Notification Settings

Product Guide Library > Physician Strategy Suite > Application Notification Settings

Permissions & Restrictions


All Users: Have access to set or change their notification preferences.

Admins & Managers: Can set or change notification preferences for all users.

Term Definitions 

Notifications: In the Marketware system notifications will refer to email notifications.

Restrictions or Pre-Requisites 

Users in a new status will not receive email assignment notifications, however, they can be assigned items to set up the system before going live. Once a user is made active, they will not receive bulk assignment emails.

If users assign themselves to an item they will not receive a notification email.

Access Email Preferences & Notification Settings

  • From the gear icon in the main header click on User Settings
  • Notifications is the first and default tab selected on this page
  • By default, all notification preferences are enabled

Notifications Related to Each Preference Selection

Each preference will connect to actions within the application. This section describes each of the actions that will trigger a notification email for that preference.

Receive email notifications when I am assigned or added to a record.

  • Assigned an activity
  • Added as the Recruiter, Practice Manager, Onboard Coordinator, & Relationship Manager on a person record
  • Added as a member of the hiring team for an Onboard Project
  • Assigned as an owner of an Onboard Project
  • Assigned as Group Lead of Project Group in the Onboard Project
  • This notification is triggered only when a template is assigned to an onboard project or the team lead is changed within an onboard project. Notifications are not tied to project templates.
  • Assigned as the team lead or member of a team

Receive email notifications when I am tagged in a comment.

  • Users will receive an email notice when they are tagged in an activity comment

Receive email notifications when a provider is added to a project.

  • If they are assigned to the provider on the provider card
  • If they are the profile’s recruiter, relationship manager, practice manager, and/or onboarding coordinator

Receive email notifications when a provider’s start date has changed.

  • Onboard Project owners
  • All Onboard Project group leads
  • Assigned to activities for that provider

Receive weekly emails about upcoming activities.

  • This email includes a count of all activities due this week (Monday-Saturday) and will also include a summary list of each activity due

Receive weekly emails of overdue activities.

  • This email includes a total count of all overdue activities assigned to you as well as activities that went overdue in the last week
  • Included is a summary of each activity that went overdue last week (Monday-Saturday) as well as the last 5 recently overdue activities before the last week

Notifications Not Tied to a Preference Setting

These are system emails for which there is no preference setting. Aside from the new user and reset password emails, all other notifications are currently in the discovery process of being tied to or added as a preference option in the notifications settings, these include:

  • New User & Reset Password Email
  • The hiring team is notified when candidates in their practice opportunity are contracted
  • Being assigned to a candidate & notification when your assigned candidate is contracted
  • Pre-requisite activities completed
  • Recruit Workflow & Onboard Project Template pulling changes down
Date: August 28 2024
Subject: Physician Strategy Suite
Product Support
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager