Product Guide Library > Physician Strategy Suite > Teams
Create & manage groups & partitions for access management or reporting needs.
Permissions & Restrictions
Admins: Admins can add, view, edit, or delete all teams. As well as assign teams to profiles, practice opportunities, and onboarding projects.
Full Users: Full Users can view all teams and edit teams they are the team lead for. They can also add teams they are part of, as the team lead or a member, to profiles, practice opportunities, and onboarding projects. They cannot add or delete teams.
Standard Users: Standard Users can view all teams, add teams they are part of to records they have access to, and edit teams they are the team lead for. They cannot add or delete teams.
Limited Users: Limited Users can add teams they are part of to records they have access to. They cannot add, view, edit, or delete teams.
Read-Only: Read-only users can view all teams. They cannot add, edit, or delete activities and cannot add teams to records.
Term Definitions
Team: Group of users working on the same records. It can be based on geography, goals, department, etc.
Restrictions or Pre-Requisites
Teams can affect permissions — both viewing and editing.
Teams are accessible to all products, but only Recruit & Onboard can add process records (practice opportunities & onboarding projects). Initiatives for PRM are not yet available to add to teams.
Use Cases for Teams
- Use teams to group certain records for credentialing, HR, or Department needs.
- Teams can be used to manage residency recruiting needs separate from main hire needs.
- Set up teams to separate different service line departments & management.
- Create a team to manage different regions and assign specific places for management.
Create a Team
- Click the settings gear in the top right.
- Select Account Settings.
- Navigate to Teams in the left menu.
- Click the Add Team button
- The New Team form will slide out from the right.
- Enter information for all required fields (indicated with a red asterisk).
- Click Add Team.
Need to be a system admin user.
New Activity Form Fields
- Team: Enter the name of the team you wish to create.
- Abbreviation: A 2 letter abbreviation is required to use as the display name for the team.
- Color: Select the color you would like this team to be labeled with — this is used for easy identification on the record pages and list grids.
- Team Lead: Name of the user who will oversee this team. The team lead is for notation purposes only, the team lead does not impact edit rights. A team lead cannot be a member of the same team but can be a member of a different team.
- Users: Users are to be assigned as members of the team.
Add Records to a Team
Records can be added to teams from 3 places within the platform including:
- Team detail page from account settings.
- List views.
- Record details page.
Team Detail Page
- Click the team name you wish to add records to.
- This takes you to the team detail page.
- Select the tab of the type of record you would like to add to the team (people, places, practice opportunities, or onboarding projects).
- Click the Assign [record type button].
- The Assign [record type] form will slide out on the right.
- Search for the record you would like to add.
- Click Save.
Top Tip! When assigning onboarding projects providers (people records) within that onboard project will automatically be assigned as people records on the same team.
Bulk Assign Teams from List Views
Teams can be assigned to records in bulk from respective list views.
- Navigate to the People, Places, Practice Opportunities, or Onboard Projects lists.
- Select 1 or more records to assign to a team and click the action menu dropdown.
- Click Assign Teams.
- One or more teams can be assigned at once & click save.
View & Assign Teams from the Record Page
Navigate to a person, place, practice opportunity, or onboarding project record. From the ellipses in the header, click Edit Assigned Teams.
Search the names of the teams you want to add the selected records to and click Save.
Assigned Teams abbreviations will appear next to the header ellipses. On hover, the full team’s name will show. If users click the circle abbreviations, they will be taken to that team’s detail page.
View My Team’s Records
On all major list grids, users will have the ability to view records tied to their team.
This can be accessed from the quick list dropdown at the top of the list grid. This will display records that are assigned to your teams.
Edit a Team
Editing a team allows you to adjust the team name, abbreviation, color, and team lead. This can be done from the team list or the team profile page.
- From either location navigate and click on the ellipses.
- Click on Edit [header].
- The team details will show in a panel on the right.
- Once changes have been made, click save.
Delete a Team
To delete a team, navigate to the list grid and click the 3-dot ellipses to the right of the team you wish to delete. Select Delete.
Deleting a team will remove the relationship for all records tied to the team and could potentially change the team view on list grids.