Custom Fields — People, Place & Practice Opportunity

Product Guide Library > Physician Strategy Suite > Custom Fields — People, Place & Practice Opportunity

Track organization-specific information on people, place & practice opportunity records. Custom fields are dynamic & will appear on records and related lists as soon as they are saved as active. 

Permissions & Restrictions


Admin & Full Users: The only users that can add and manage custom fields. 

All other users except Read-Only: Can edit these fields on the person or place the record itself if they already have edit rights to the record.  

Term Definitions

Users have the option of creating 4 types of custom fields. Yes/no, open text, date picker, and dropdown.

Yes/no: Users can select from yes, no, and unknown. Users cannot modify these value options. 

Drop-down: Acts as a multi-select, 1st option will be blank, and the values will be input in alpha order after that. 

Date picker: Allows users to track date-related information.

Open text: A free-form text field allows users to capture important information related to the record.

Restrictions or Pre-Requisites 

Custom fields are available for people, places, and practice opportunities (recruit only).

Custom fields must also have a product designation assigned which will determine which profiles and which users can access and edit the custom field. If a custom field applies to both recruit and onboard but each user group would need to input different answers the custom field should be created twice, one for each product to capture the different information.

Custom fields cannot be reordered on the profile page, however, they can be grouped to better delineate information. Go to our custom field groups guide to learn more.

Custom Field Groups  

Create a Custom Field

Custom fields are created in the account settings under the General tab on the left.

Click the Add Custom Field button to open the New Custom Field form.

Custom Fields — People, Place & Practice Opportunity-1

New Custom Field Form Fields

Type: Options include yes/no, drop-down, date picker, and open text.

Assigned Records: Include people, places, and practice opportunities.

Label: The name of the custom field as it will show on the records.

Product Access: PRM, Recruit, Onboard — default to logged-in user creating the custom field’s access and only available options will be based on the account’s overall access.

Example: I am a user whose account has Recruit and Onboard access but I am an Onboard-only user, I can therefore only create and add Onboard access to custom fields.

Group: Chosen from the list of custom field groups, if left blank will save as the default group.

Values: Create a custom drop-down field by adding values. Values will make up the options users can select from when filling out the custom field.

  • At least one value is required to save the drop-down custom field.
  • Add new values by selecting the Add Value button.
  • Options in the drop-down will be sorted in alphabetical order when viewed on the profile.
  • Blank will always be an option and cannot be removed. This allows users to leave this custom field blank for the profile if it does not apply.

Note: All required fields will be indicated with a red asterisk.

Edit Custom Fields

Admins and full users can edit all custom fields tied to their product access. The type cannot be edited, but the assigned records, label, product, and group can be updated. Users can only add or remove product access for which they also have the same access.

Example: I am an Onboard user whose account has PRM and Onboard. I can only add or remove onboard from the custom field.

Edit Values for a Drop-down Custom Field

In the case of editing the drop-down values, label updates will be reflected on records that have the edited option selected. If I remove or add record types it will be visible on those types. Removing a custom field option from a record type will not maintain any previous data filled out.

  • Values for a dropdown can be edited by editing the dropdown custom field.
  • From the ellipses next to the value label click edit.
  • This allows you to edit the text of the value, it will update for all profiles using the value.

If I remove a custom field from people’s records, that data will be lost. If I adjust product access it will show or hide based on the person and place product access and be visible for users with that same product access.

Delete a Custom Field

Admins and full users can delete all custom fields tied to their product access. If a custom field is deleted, it will be removed from the records that it was related and all data will be lost.

Deleting a custom field can be done through the ellipses options.

Delete Values from a Drop-down Custom Field

Values for a drop-down can be deleted by editing the drop-down custom field.

From the ellipses next to the value label click delete.

Using Custom Fields

All users with edit rights have access to edit these custom fields on the people, place, or practice opportunity records to which they have access.

The default custom field card will be hidden until a custom field is added and assigned to the record from the account settings. 

This will appear under the demographics card on people profiles, under the details card on place records, and under the candidate requirements card on practice opportunities.

The default custom field card will always be the last group, so if other custom field groups have been added they will be top of order.

Users can fill out the information by editing the card. Note that these fields are per profile, entering information for one profile will not apply to other profiles that have this same field. At this time, custom fields cannot be updated in bulk.

Date: August 05 2022
Subject: Physician Strategy Suite
Product Support
Cassie Mero
Cassie Mero

Client Success Specialist
