Marketware Helps You Track Data for AAPPR Benchmarking Report
The Physician and Provider Recruitment Benchmarking Report from AAPPR is invaluable for Healthcare Organizations of all sizes.
Since 2011, AAPPR’s In-House Physician and Provider Recruitment Benchmarking Report has been providing credible industry data to help in-house recruitment professionals prepare, plan and forecast. The report represents more than 150 organizations and more than 19,000 active searches, almost 2/3’s specific to physician searches. The information is collected and confidentially prepared by Industry Insights, Inc.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to share data and participate in this survey, or to utilize internally as a part of your standard KPI’s. To do this, Marketware has added fields and additional ways to track data that directly correlates with questions from previous surveys.
Location Desirability
Track the Location Desirability for each Practice Opportunity by selecting Below Average, Above Average, and Average Range within the Opportunity Details.
Related Survey Question: Zip code of Search. The desirability of the organization’s primary location is based on the Economic Policy Institute’s Cost of Living Index.
Candidate Type
Get more granular about what role you’re trying to fill by identifying the candidate type. This allows the option to be specific on if the role is for a physician, advanced practice provider, allied health professional, general office staff or if the position is qualified as other.
Related Survey Question: How many searches did your organization perform in calendar year 20XX? Distinguish between searches for Physician Providers and APPs, also include the total number of searches.
In addition to being able to identify the average time to hire for a given opportunity, Marketware can also track other key factors when it comes to candidate onsite and virtual interview-based activities.
Related Survey Question: How many candidates participated in site visits/interviews during calendar year 20XX?
Curious about how many offers were sent and the negotiations that took place prior to a contract signed? Utilize the new Offer Sent and Offer Response based activities, including when an offer was declined, rescinded, or accepted.
Related Survey Questions: How many offers were extended to providers during calendar year 20XX? How many offers were accepted during calendar year 2021?
Although we recruit with retention in mind, sometimes turnover happens. Having the ability to track turnover provides ease in reporting, opportunities for process improvement and provides history for those boomerang candidates. Utilize the “Termed” field on a person profile under the Practice Details section including the Term Date, whether it was Voluntary/Involuntary and Term Notes that identify reasons for the termination.
Related Survey Question: How many providers left your organization during calendar year 2021? Breakout between voluntary and involuntary leaves, if possible.
Physician and Provider Recruitment isn’t getting any easier. Adding additional functionality to track data that is meaningful to leaders and directly supports benchmarking efforts is just one of the ways that we’re working to support you. Click here if you would like to know more about Marketware’s Physician Strategy Suite.
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A physician recruitment playbook is a guide your team can use to effectively deploy best practices. Helping them achieve success when recruiting and retaining physicians…
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