Strategy for Keepage: Partnering with the ED for Provider & Patient Retention
Physician liaisons spend much of their time visiting providers to hopefully, decrease leakage and increase keepage. Whereas for health systems, their main goal is to ensure patients receive medical care in an easy and time-effective manner. By partnering with key members of the care team, liaisons can facilitate both of these goals–helping increase timely patient access and building relations with key referring and attending providers. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how physician liaisons are forming and leveraging these critical partnerships with care coordinators for provider & patient retention.
Watch this webinar for the following provider & patient retention take aways:
Ensure ED-admitted Patients get Coordinated Care
Learn how physician liaisons are forming and leveraging these critical partnerships with care coordinators for provider & patient retention.
Provider-Centric Growth Strategies
Historically referral leakage has been viewed as referrals from PCP to specialist–or–specialist to sub specialist. This means our business development efforts have been fairly provider-centric. We will go over, both defensive and offensive strategies and data-enabled strategies.
Understand Leakage & Where it’s Occurring
Hospitals now exist within complex healthcare delivery ecosystems. Although access points are added to the healthcare delivery system, “network relationships” between the hospital and these providers are not automatic. Adding access points does not make the “network” real. Network relationships (keepage) between the hospital and these providers are vital to patient care and to the financial health of the hospital.
Tricia Anderson
TYA Consulting
Carrie Bennett, FACHE
Strategic Advisor (Former COO)