Saved Lists

Product Guide Library > Physician Strategy Suite > Saved Lists

Easily navigate to your most needed records from a saved selection of people & places records.

Permissions & Restrictions


All users except Read-Only roles can create a Saved List.

Term Definitions

Saved Lists: Customized selection of 1 or more records from the people/places list for you to come back to

Quick Filters: A saved customized selection of 1 or more filters on the list itself

Restrictions or Pre-Requisites 

  • Saved lists are distinct for each user & are only visible to that user
  • Sharing a saved list is not currently available

Removing a user from a list is not currently available

View Saved Lists

  • Users can access a saved list via the filter drop-down at the top of people and places lists.
  • Saved lists will be distinguished by their label vs the quick filter lists.

Create a Saved List

  • Select 1 or more records from the people or places list.
  • Selecting records will enable the action menu option and from here choose ‘Add to Saved List’.
  • The add people to a new saved list form will slide out.
  • Here you can choose to create a new list or add the selected records
    to an existing list.

Once an option has been chosen, the record list will be refreshed & the saved list for which the records were added will be applied.

Delete a Saved List

  • Click the trash can icon next to the saved list you want to delete.
  • A confirmation modal will pop up as this action can’t be undone.

Combine a Quick Filter & Saved List

  • For added functionality, users can combine quick filters & a saved list.
  • Many quick filters can be applied to a single saved list but saved lists cannot be combined.
Date: April 07 2023
Subject: Physician Strategy Suite
Product Support
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager