Calendar Integration

Product Guide Library > Physician Strategy Suite > Calendar Integration

Create events within the platform to coordinate & plan around existing events.

Permissions & Restrictions


All Users: Have access to the calendar feature.

Admins & Standard Users (PRM & Recruit Only): These users are the only users who can backdate a completed date on a completed event.

All other users’ completed events will have a completed date of today’s date.

Term Definitions

Integration: Refers to syncing your work calendar with the Physician Strategy Suite.

Restrictions or Pre-Requisites

Integration is not required to use or visualize Marketware events on the activity calendars.

Integration is multi-directional, meaning, users can view events from their work calendar within Marketware as well as Marketware events within their work calendar. However, this will not send out meeting invites to profiles or users related to the event — it only becomes a reference on your work calendar. Edits and deletes remain within the application when the update is made.

With integration, client events can be synced and turned into trackable activities within the platform.

Integration may require additional setup from your organization’s IT department. Please reference our technical guide and reach out to Marketware to set up a support call for further information.

Only event-type activities will show on the activity calendars.

Currently, we only support Microsoft Integration — Review the technical reference for IT needs prior to trying to integrate calendars:

Calendar Integration Technical Reference — Microsoft →


While the calendar can be utilized without connecting a work calendar, this integration can be useful when creating events within the application to coordinate and plan around any existing events on your calendar.

If your organization does not require basic authentication, such as Multi-Factor Authentication, SSO, or OAuth, integration of your calendar is as easy as inputting your email credentials.

  • Navigate to your user settings from the gear icon in the top right corner.
  • Click on the integrations tab.
  • Click Connect to Calendar.

Depending on the email client, users will be directed to enter their credentials in the client’s authentication screen.

Choose & Change Calendars

Once authenticated, users will need to select the calendar for which they would like to sync.

Note: The calendar integration will pull in all items tied to a given calendar chosen regardless if shared calendars are checked in the work calendar, the integration cannot tell the difference. Choose the right calendar for you and be aware that any shared calendar events will display.

Whether choosing for the first time or selecting a new calendar, select the choose or change event calendar, select the preferred calendar from the dropdown, and click save. Loading may take some time as new events are synced to the application.


The calendar sync may stop due to a change in email client credentials requiring reauthentication. If your events are no longer syncing to the calendar, navigate to the user settings and click on the integrations tab. Check the Synced status and if you notice it is stopped, click the reauthenticate button. Users may be directed to select their work calendar system again to initialize the authentication.

Access Activity Calendars

Marketware activity calendars can be viewed from 2 different locations — the calendar card on the home page and the main activity calendar from the activity dropdown.

The activity home page event will show as a teal dot on the date. On clicking on the date, a panel will slide out from the left so the events can be viewed more granularly within the timeframe of the day. Clicking the event itself will open the activity details.

The main activity calendar can be accessed via the Activity dropdown from the main navigation.

PSS activities show as a teal event, while integrated calendar items are a light grey. Clicking an event itself will open the activity or event details.

The calendar under the activities tab defaults to a monthly view but can also be viewed by week or day.

Add an Event Activity from the Calendar

An event can be added to the calendar by clicking on the whitespace within the calendar. The activity form panel will slide out to the left. Fill out the details and save.

Event Activity Details

Activity Type: will only pull in event activity types. This can be the system default of Event or can be a custom activity type designated on the calendar.

Summary: The reference for the activity.

Status: Defines the state of the activity between scheduled, completed, canceled, in progress, and on hold.

Date: Defaults to the date chosen from the calendar, however, this can be adjusted.

Start Time: will default to the time selected if on the day view or will default to the user’s local time within the quarter hour.

Example: It is 3:22 pm at the time the example event was created so it will default to 3:15 pm.

End time: Defaults to half an hour from the start time but can be adjusted.

If the status of Completed is chosen completed date and time will be required.

Location: Indicates where the event took place if it is outside of a facility. If the event took place at a facility that has been recorded within the application, this can be noted under the related records section.

Product Access: Defaults to the created by the user’s product access and will dictate which users can see this activity based on the product access they have.

Related Records: allow users to indicate providers or staff, places, and other relevant records to the activity.

Assigned To: defaults to the created by the user. This is a multi-select field and can be modified.

Accompanied By: Track other users or people’s records.

Tags: These can be used to customize reporting on the activity.

Category: A predefined, custom list, that allows users to specify the reason for the activity.

Description: Enter activity details.

Sync Client Events to Marketware

Events from your work calendar can be synced to Marketware to track as an activity.

From either activity location, the home page, or the main activity calendar, client events will be displayed in grey.

Click on the work calendar event to view the details.

The event details panel will open on the right and there will be an option to sync to Marketware.

Clicking this option will autofill details into the create event form from the details on the work calendar event including summary, date, time, and description. Users can fill out all other details and save the activity. Synced activities will now be represented as teal and show up in the activity list grid.

Note: No users or physicians will be brought over from the calendar event — add any physicians from the event to the related people and any colleagues on the event to the accompanied by to track people for this event.

Once an event is synced, any updates made will be tied to that event only whether from the work calendar or the synced event in PSS. This includes edits and delete.

Date: February 14 2024
Subject: Physician Strategy Suite
Product Support
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager