Practice Opportunities

Product Feature Guide Library > Recruitment > Practice Opportunities

Recruiters can track candidates through the recruiting process by adding a practice opportunity.

Permissions & Restrictions


Admins & Full Users: Can create and manage practice opportunities.

Standard Users: Can manage candidates added to the practice opportunity.

Limited Users: Can manage the activities assigned to them within the practice opportunity.

Read-Only Users: Can view all practice opportunities and the progress of candidates but cannot manage or edit the opportunity, candidates, or activities.

Term Definitions

Candidates: People records that have been added to a practice opportunity.

Stage: A section made up of automated activities wherein a candidate is added and tracked.

Workflow: A process of stages to work candidates through. A workflow contains a predefined set of automated activities assigned to each candidate as they are added to the stage.

Hiring Teams: A set of users that will manage the practice opportunity and candidates.

Restrictions or Pre-Requisites

Workflow templates must be created in account settings before a practice opportunity can be created.

Workflow Template Guide →

Standard and limited users must be assigned to the person record itself to access the profile from the candidate card.

Add a Practice Opportunity

  • Click the + icon in the top left
  • Select Add Practice Opportunity
  • The New Practice Opportunity form will slide out from the right
  • Enter required fields (field info below)
  • Click Add New Opportunity

When saving the practice opportunity, the user will be redirected to the Practice Opportunity Overview page to continue filling out details.

New Practice Opportunity Fields

Opportunity Name: The name of the job listing. More details can be added to the description section on the overview page.

Place: The place the opportunity is filling.

Copy from Workflow Template: Where the opportunity will get the workflow and activities from. This is managed in account settings.

Type: The type of workflow from Backfill, Deceased — Replacement, Growth, New Hire, New Service Line, Talent Pool, Retired — Replacement, Succession Planning, Unknown, Resigned — Replacement, Terminated — Replacement.

Status: Indicates if the opportunity is active or inactive. Inactive can be used for preplanning and will not send out notifications to users assigned. Partially filled and Filled are disabled until a candidate has been selected as contracted. Canceled can be used if the opportunity no longer needs to be filled but history would like to be maintained.

Number of Openings: Define the number of positions being filled by selecting the number of openings. At least 1 must be chosen.

Active Date: Informs when the opportunity is active. If the status is inactive, it will auto-update to active on the active date.

Target Fill Date: Determine the target fill date to allow for reporting on how long it took to fill the opportunity.

Required are indicated with a red asterisk.

Edit Practice Opportunity Details

Edit Assigned Teams: Allows you to add the practice opportunity to a team for further customizing access to the opportunity and reporting.

Edit Header: This allows you to change the opportunity name and the place.

Note: The workflow template can only be changed if no candidates have been added to the opportunity.

Update Opportunity from Template: This allows you to easily update opportunities with changes made to workflow template activities & stages.

Learn about template changes →

Duplicate Practice Opportunity: This allows you to create a new practice opportunity with the same configuration as this opportunity. Duplicating an opportunity allows you to modify the settings to match the new open req as well as allows you to choose to copy the opportunity details, candidate requirements, job description, hiring team, and notes. The template can be modified once the opportunity has been created.

Delete Practice Opportunity: An opportunity can only be deleted if no candidates have been added. It will remain disabled until all candidates have been removed.

Practice Opportunity Overview Page

Header: Includes the practice opportunity name, the place for which the practice opportunity is being filled, and the template reference. If the workflow template has been updated, a note will be displayed in the header. A paperclip will display if files have been added to the opportunity.

Informative Cards: Provide insight into the progress of candidates who are part of the opportunity as well as the last activity completed date.

Hiring Details: Captures information entered on creating the opportunity, status, the number of openings, active date, target fill date, and notes. If the opportunity status is updated to on hold or goes inactive — the hiring details will notate the last on-hold and inactive date to track the stop and start of a given opening.

Note: Status filled and partially filled are only available and are auto-updated once a candidate has been contracted. Contracted candidates will be added to the selected candidate’s card via the status update on the candidate card.

Hiring Team: Assign a team to manage the practice opportunity from managers and recruiters to collaborators and reviewers.

Note: Hiring team roles are different from user roles — the hiring team role indicates what area of responsibility a given user has for the open opportunity. User roles are displayed in the list to identify access rights.

Charts: Use charts to understand high-level information around Activities by Status and Active Candidates by Stage Status.

Job Boards: Track the different sites this opportunity has been listed.

Listing Description: Add to give detail to what this position offers as well as a reference to come back to when posting to job boards.

Opportunity Details: Capture all the requirements for the practice opportunity. Categorize by opportunity type, specialty, practice, contract and employment type, call coverage, salary range, and any other special requirements.

Candidate Requirements: Add additional details that may extend past what the main opportunity details require such as additional accepted specialties, medical degrees, and visas accepted. Track if the opportunity offers loan repayment and if there are any certificate or fellowship requirements.


In a practice opportunity, candidates are added to workflows represented by stages. These pull from the template associated with the practice opportunity when created.

Edit Workflow Stages

Edit a workflow state by clicking the ellipses within that stage header, the Edit Stage form will slide out from the right.

Status Mapping: When a candidate is moved through the stages their candidate status is updated to represent the stage status. When a candidate is made inactive or contracted this status can also be updated on the person’s profile under the recruiting status.

Automated Activities: Activities are automatically added to the candidate based on the stage they are in. These are pulled from the template that is created in account settings and tied to the practice opportunity when created.

Learn more about Automated Activities →

Learn about Workflow Templates →

Learn how to Apply Changes from Templates →


Add a Candidate

To add a candidate, click the blue Add Candidate button from the workflow page or candidate list. When viewing a candidate on the workflow, users will see a candidate card that indicates the candidate’s name, their status, incomplete, complete, and overdue activities, the assigned user for the candidate, and how long the candidate has been in their current stage.

Edit a Candidate

Candidate details can be edited by clicking edit from the ellipses on the candidate card. When the edit form opens, all details can be edited except the candidate’s name — this can be done from their person profile.

Sources can be tracked on a candidate card. However, they must be added to the person’s profile to be selected on the candidate card.

Remove a Candidate

Candidates can be removed from a practice opportunity using the ellipses from the candidate card, clicking on the candidate card and choosing to remove from the form, or the ellipses on the candidate list. If activities have been completed, they will be maintained on the person’s profile but all incomplete activities from the workflow will be deleted.

Work a Candidate

Activities can be completed from the Activities tab or the candidate card. (This instruction is shown from the candidate card.)

Click on the candidate card to view the details. This will show the activities due for each candidate.

Users can choose to quickly complete from the ellipses on the activity or choose to edit details and update the status in the activity edit form.

When candidates complete a stage, they can be moved to the next stage by clicking on the candidate card and dragging them over.

Candidates can skip stages or move back to a stage depending on processes.

Inactive Candidates

Candidates who fall out of the recruiting process can be made inactive. An inactive reason is associated with the candidate so recruiters can report on why certain providers were not qualified for the position or look for trends as to why candidates may fall out of certain stages to help improve the overall recruiting process.

Inactive candidates will show as red on the workflow tab and list their inactive reasons. Inactive candidates cannot be moved to different stages.

Candidates are made inactive by changing the candidate status which can be done from the candidate card (shown on the right) or can be bulk updated from both the main candidate and practice opportunity candidate lists. All profiles will get the same inactive reasons when updating candidates in bulk. Options are available to apply the inactive status as the profile’s recruiting status as well as an option to update the incomplete activities for the candidates.

Select a Candidate

When a candidate has completed the recruiting process and has been hired, they can be selected as contracted.

Candidates can be selected from the candidate card (shown on the right) or in bulk from the practice opportunity candidate list. When bulk contracting candidates, the start date and anticipated start dates will be the same. Users can also apply the updated status to the recruiting status on the person profile.

The status contracted can be selected and the user must put in a contracted date or signed contract date.

Contracted candidates will show as green in the workflow as well as show the contracted date.

Contracted candidates will also be auto-added to the overview selected candidates card and the status will update to filled or partially filled, depending on the number of openings.

Once all openings are filled, contracted will no longer be a selectable option. Users can adjust the number of openings to accommodate more candidates for the contract. If there are not enough openings when bulk contracting candidates, the practice opportunity will auto-fill positions in order of selection and throw an error message for those candidates that were not contracted. Users can update the openings and finish bulk updating the contracted candidates.

Candidates List

Users can see all candidates from the candidate list as part of the recruiting opportunity. From here, users can view the candidate card and complete activities, edit the candidate themselves — status or other relevant information, or remove the candidate from the opportunity altogether.

From this list, users can also select one or more records to take action on including: assigning a practice manager or team, exporting, removing candidates in bulk, or exporting the list to share with leaders.


All users can upload relevant files to the practice opportunity.

All users can preview or download files that have been uploaded to a practice opportunity.

Admins can delete all files while all other users can only delete files for which they have uploaded.

Note: Since all users can view files avoid adding sensitive information to this section.

Date: March 27 2024
Subject: Physician Recruitment
Product Support
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager