Initiatives — Create & Manage

Product Guide Library > PRM > Initiatives

Track small-scale projects from Continued Medical Education (CME) events to referral lines & other organization outreach programs.

Permissions & Restrictions


Admins: Can create new initiatives as well as view, edit, and otherwise manage all initiatives.

Full: Can create new initiatives as well as view and edit all initiatives. They can only delete initiatives for which they are the owner or their team’s initiatives.

Standard: Can create new initiatives and view all initiatives. Standard users can only edit their initiatives and members and cannot delete initiatives. They can remove members from an initiative for whom they are the owner.

Limited: Cannot create new initiatives. They can view and edit their initiatives. They cannot delete initiatives or remove members from an initiative.

Read-Only: Cannot create new initiatives. Can view all initiatives but cannot edit or otherwise manage initiatives.

Term Definitions

Member: A person or place record that was added as a trackable profile within the initiative; a profile for which activities will be tracked.

Activity Templates: A template of tasks that can be applied to any profile that is added to the initiative. The due date of the activity is based on how many days after the member is added to the initiative itself.

Restrictions or Pre-Requisites

Initiatives are available only for PRM users. It can be accessed from the PRM Menu available on the header.

Utilize activity templates to pre-plan an initiative or use ad-hoc activities to track already completed tasks for an initiative.

Initiatives require a category to be created which can be customized in account settings.

Creating Initiative Custom Fields →

Create an Initiative

An initiative can be created by clicking on the + icon from the header and selecting Add Initiative.

Add Initiative Form Fields

Name: The initiative name can be provided in this column.

Owner(s): It’s a search field where the user can add multiple owners, pulled from the user list, for the initiative.

Status: It’s a dropdown with values:

  • Inactive: Will make the initiative Inactive & it will not show on searches & assignments. This can be used during pre-planning before making the initiative active.
  • Active: Initiatives marked as Active will be visible in searches & assignments.
  • Canceled: If the user discontinues with the initiative users can use canceled to track the history vs. deleting the initiative.
  • Closed: Once the purpose of the initiative is met, it can be closed.

Active Date: The date from which the Initiative will be considered Active.

End Date: The date when the Initiative will end.

Category: A custom field to allow users to specify the purpose of the initiative.

Once all fields are filled out, on clicking add initiative, the initiative will be created and the user will be redirected to the Initiative profile screen.

Edit an Initiative

Click the Edit Header option within the Initiative profile screen.

The name of the initiative and the initiative owners can be edited from the header.

Delete an Initiative

An initiative can be deleted by using the Delete Initiative option available in the Initiative profile screen. Only initiative owners, admins, and full users can delete an initiative.

A confirmation message appears when the user chooses to delete the initiative.

Notes: Completed activities related to a deleted initiative will still show up in the Activities list (Activities, People, and Place profile) even after an initiative is deleted — the related initiative tie will just be removed.

Initiative Overview Page

Displays the overall progress of the initiative. It also allows the user to edit the initiative details and add or edit the initiative description.

Overview Page Details

  • Total Members: All the members associated with the Initiative.
  • In Progress Members: Members whose activities are in progress.
  • Completed Members: Members who have completed their activities.
  • Activities Completed: Number of activities completed in the initiative.
  • Members by Status: A chart depicting the members & their status.
  • Activities by Status: A chart depicting the activities & their status.
  • Activities by Category: A chart depicting the activities by their category.

Initiative Details Section

  • Place: Place associated with the initiative.
  • Service Area: Service Area associated with the initiative.
  • Status: Initiative status.
  • Category: Category to which the initiative belongs.
  • Active Date: The date when the initiative was made active.
  • End Date: Completion date of the initiative.
  • Initiative Description: A brief description of the initiative.

Edit Initiative Details

Initiative Details can be edited by clicking the Edit button of the Initiative Details section available in the Initiative Overview Screen.

All the fields available in the Initiative Details section can be edited.

Add/Edit Initiative Description

Click Add Initiative Description from the Initiative description section in the Initiative Overview screen.

A form opens with a single field called Initiative Description.

Activity Templates for an Initiative

Activity templates can be used to pre-plan an initiative. Templated activities will be auto-added and created if existing members are part of the initiative or once a member is added to the initiative and due dates are determined based on dictating a set number of days after the member is added to the initiative. 

Create Activity Template

Activity templates are created when you want to assign an activity to every member of the initiative. They will be assigned to all existing initiative members and any new members added after creating the template.

To add an activity template, click the Add Activity Template button from the Activity Templates tab within the Initiative profile and fill out the fields from the slide-out menu including:

Type: A dropdown field that indicates the type of activity. This is a custom field for which the values are picked from Account Settings > Activities > Type.

Summary: A small description of the activity.

Due Date (Number of days after member added): It’s a dropdown field that accepts numeric values. It calculates the due date based on the value entered in the field & the date on which the member was added.

Example: If a member was added on January 1st  & we select the Due Date as 2 days after the member was added,  then the due date will be January 4th.

Related Place: Place where activity is initiated.

Accompanied By: Members who are accompanied during the activity.

Assigned To: User to whom the activity will be assigned.

Tags: Can be used for identification.

Category: The category to which the activity belongs. Values picked from Account Settings > Activities > Categories.

Description Brief description of the activity.

Notes: Activities created through the activity template will be created for all the members of the initiative irrespective of when they get added to an initiative.

View, Edit & Delete an Activity Template

Activity Templates can be viewed, edited & deleted two ways:

  1. Click the activity from the activity template list.
  2. By clicking on View Details from the ellipses menu of the Initiative Activity Template list.

Upon clicking edit, delete, or view details, the Activity Template Details screen will slide out.

From here you can click one of the buttons in the bottom right corner to either edit or delete the Activity Template.

Edit: All the fields can be edited/modified during the Edit process.

Note: This will not update existing activities created for members of the initiative. It will only apply to new members being added to the initiative.

Delete: Once an Activity template is deleted it will be removed from the list.

Note: All the activities that were created for a member from an activity template will not be deleted. No new members will receive the deleted activity template.

Initiative Members

Add Members to Initiative

Members can be added to an initiative by clicking the Add Members button from the Members tab within the Initiative profile screen.  Once added, members will be added to the member tab list in the Initiative profile.

Add Members Form Fields

Method: Allows the user to choose which option in which they’d like to add a member. This includes:

  • Individuals: Allow the user to add a single member. Users can search the individual member which is a list of both people & place records.
  • NPI: Allow the user to add members using NPI. Multiple NPIs can be added using a comma-separated or hard return list.
  • Filtered & Saved Lists: Existing filtered or saved lists can be used to add members.

Assigned To: Members will be assigned to this person to ensure one person is over the progress of this member within the initiative. It’s a single select field & pulls from the user list. This will default to the one created by the user’s name, however, this can be adjusted.

Notes: All fields in the Add Members form are mandatory.

Edit & Remove Members from Initiative

At any point of time, members can be edited or removed from the initiative. This can be done by clicking the Edit option to edit and the Remove option to delete the member. These options are available on the ellipses menu for each record within the members list.

Users can change the Assignee with the Edit option.

If the user clicks on Remove, a confirmation message appears.


  1. All incomplete activities associated with the member in an initiative will be deleted.
  2. Once a member is removed, it will be removed from the members list of the initiative.

Ad-Hoc Activities

Activities created on the fly are referred to as ad-hoc activities. These can be used when a templated activity does not fit the need, or a task has been completed and needs to be logged and tracked against members in an active initiative.

Add Ad-hoc Activities to an Initiative

An activity can be added to an initiative by clicking on the Add Activity option from the Activities tab within the Initiative profile screen. Once an Activity is added it will appear (based on the members) in the Activities list.

Add Activity Form Fields

Type: Drop-down field which indicates the type of activity.

Summary: Short title or description of the activity.

Status: Indicates the status of the activity:

  • Scheduled: Scheduled for a specific date.
  • In Progress: If the activity is already in progress.
  • Completed: If the activity is completed.
  • On-Hold: Identify the activity that is paused.
  • Canceled: If the activity is canceled.

Members: Indicates the person or place records which are going to be part of the activity:

  • All Members: All the members of the initiative.
  • Selected Members: Selected members of the initiative.
  • Just Me: Will be associated with the user creating the activity; can be used as a reminder activity.

Due Date/Time: Due Date & time of an activity.

Completed Date/Time: Completed date & time of an activity. Appears only if the activity status is Completed.

Related Place: Place where activity is or did take place.

Product Access: Product users who can access the activity. Defaults to the product access created by the user.

Accompanied By: People records or Users who also participated during the activity.

Tags: Used to group the activity for reporting purposes.

Category: Another option to group the activity for reporting purposes.

Assigned To: User to whom the activity will be assigned.

Description: Brief description of the activity.


  1. All the fields marked with * in the form are mandatory.
  2. Any member added to an initiative.
  3. After creating an activity will not be associated with the activity even if it is an all-member activity. Ad hoc activities act as a 1-time assignment.

View, Edit & Delete an Ad-hoc Activities

Activity can be viewed, edited & deleted 2 ways:

  1. Click on an activity from the activity list.
  2. Click on View Details from the ellipses menu of Initiative activity list.

Upon clicking edit, delete, or view details, the Activity Details screen will slide out.

From here you can click one of the buttons in the bottom right corner to either edit or delete the Activity Template.

Edit: All the fields can be edited/modified during the Edit process.

Note: This will not update existing activities created for members in the initiative. It will only apply to new members being added to the initiative.

Delete: A confirmation message will be prompted before an activity is deleted. On confirmation, activity for the member will be deleted from the activity list.

Note: All the activities that were created for a member from an activity template will not be deleted. No new members will receive the deleted activity template.

Date: May 07 2024
Subject: Physician Relations
Product Support
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager