Onboard Projects — Automated Activites

Product Guide Library > Onboarding > Onboard Projects — Make Changes

Add new automated activities, change existing automated activities, & delete unwanted automated activities.

Permissions & Restrictions


Admins & Full Users: Manage and edit onboard project automated activities.

Standard & Limited Users: Edit their activities and can bulk manage their assigned items

Read-Only Users: Can view all onboard projects but cannot otherwise manage anything about or within the project.


Term Definitions

Project Group: A project group is a defined section that usually indicates a department that must accomplish items or activities in the onboarding process for a provider.

Project Template: Templates are managed from your account settings. This template is your starting base and any need to modify an onboard project to remove, add or change items will need to be maintained from the individual projects themselves.

Restrictions or Pre-Requisites

Onboard Projects: Template associations cannot be changed for onboard projects if providers are already in process.

Changes to a template will not be reflected in associated onboard projects unless changes are pulled down.

Apply Project Template Changes →

Add Automated Activities to an Onboard Project

  • Navigate to the Onboarding Project.
  • Click the Project Groups tab.
  • Click Add Activity.

Note: If no project group is selected, it will default to the first one in the list. Select the project group to filter down to only those activities and have the new activity form default to that project group

  • The Add Automated Activity form will slide out from the right.
  • Enter information for all required fields (indicated with a red asterisk).
  • Click Add Activity.

Activities added will be picked up by new providers added to the Onboard Project.

Note: Newly created automated activities will not be added to providers already in the stage. See the Add Activities to Providers section for adding activities to providers already in the project.

Edit Automated Activities within an Onboard Project

Admins and managers can edit automated activities in a project group.

  • Navigate to the Onboarding Project.
  • Click the Project Groups tab.
  • Open the activity edit form by clicking edit from the ellipses or clicking on the activity itself.

Note: Editing an automated activity will only be present when new providers get this automated activity. It will not modify existing providers’ activity details.

Deleted Automated Activities within an Onboard Project

Admins and managers can delete automated activities in a project group.

  • Navigate to the Onboarding Project.
  • Click the Project Groups tab.
  • Click on the ellipses for the activity you want to delete.
  • Click Delete.

Note: Deleting an automated activity from the project group will not remove the activity from existing providers. This only ensures that new providers moving into the project will not receive that activity. See the Delete Activities for a Provider section to delete existing activities.

Add Activities to Existing Providers

Automated activities added to a template or a project group will not add activities to existing providers within an Onboarding Project. To achieve this, you will need to add an activity to a provider.

The best practice for this process will be through the onboard project activity list, but this can be done anywhere an activity is created.

  • Navigate to the Onboarding Project Activities tab.
  • Click the Add Activity button.
  • Add details for this activity as reflected in the automated activity.
  • Add the relevant provider to the related people.

Note: This activity will have to be created for each provider individually as relating multiple people in the related people field will consider this one task for all people. Completing an item this way will complete the activity for all related people in that field.

  • Add relevant project & project group relations for tracking purposes.
  • Click the Add Activity button.

Learn More About Adding Activities

Edit Activities for Existing Providers

Edit Activities Tied to Multiple Candidates

If you want to apply changes to a specific activity that is tied to many candidates, this can be done from any activity list. Best practices can be updated through the onboard project activity list.

  • Navigate to the Onboarding Project activity list.
  • Narrow down the activities you want to edit (use summary, related people, or project group fields).
  • Select the activities you would like to modify.
  • Click the Action drop-down.
  • Select Update Activity.
  • The Update Activity form will slide out on the right.
  • Update the summary or description in bulk.

Note: This will overwrite the summary and description, and this cannot be undone. There will not be a history of what these fields had before this change.

Edit Activities Tied to One Provider

Activities can also be updated for a provider on an individual activity basis. This is common if details need to be updated outside of the summary or description. This can be done on the provider card or any activity list. The best practice is to use the provider card.

  • Navigate to the Onboarding Project status board.
  • Click on the provider card to view the assigned activities.
  • Click the ellipses button on the activity.
  • Click Edit.
  • Make updates.

Note: Changes will be saved for this activity only for this provider.

Delete Activities for Existing Providers

If at any point there are activities that are no longer part of your process, users can delete activities for a provider. If only 1 provider needs an activity deleted, the best practice would be from the provider card.

  • Navigate to an Onboard Project status board.
  • Click on the provider card to view the assigned activities.
  • Click the ellipses button on the activity.
  • Click Delete.

Bulk Delete Activities

Users can bulk delete activities from any activity list if they know there are a few that need to be removed. Best practice is from the onboard project activity list, but if there are multiple onboard projects for which there are unnecessary activities this could be handled from the main activity list.

  • Navigate to an onboard projects activity list.
  • Narrow down the activities to be deleted (by summary name, assigned to, related people, related project group, etc.).
  • Select the activities you want to delete.
  • Click the Actions drop-down.
  • Select Delete.
Date: May 07 2024
Subject: Physician Onboarding
Product Support
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager