Practice Opportunities — Apply Template Changes

Product Guide Library > Recruitment > Practice Opportunities — Apply Template Changes

Easily update opportunities with changes made to workflow template activities & stages.

Permissions & Restrictions


Admins & Full Users: Access to update templates and apply those updates to the corresponding practice opportunities.

Restrictions or Pre-Requisites

Activity changes will only apply to non-contracted candidates and new candidates added in the future.  Contracted candidates’ activities will remain the same as when they completed them.

Activity changes will apply to incomplete activities on candidates.

When applying an update, users can opt to not apply assignee updates in the case that changes were made directly to the practice opportunity activity assignments.

Updating the practice opportunity from a template is only available when the template has been edited. If recent changes on a template were applied to the existing opportunities, the option to update from the template becomes disabled.

Note: If changes are made within stages on an opportunity — these will be overwritten by a template change. If activities are added to the candidate itself, these will not be removed from the candidate on pulling changes down.

Update Opportunity from Template

After a template’s activity details have been changed, a notification will appear in the header of practice opportunities created from the template indicating that an updated template is available.

Restriction to Note! Updating a practice opportunity from the template is only available if a recent edit has been made on the template and has not already been applied to the opportunity. Our smart system can detect when the opportunity does not have the latest template changes. Suppose the opportunity you are working on needs a template update; in that case, a workaround for this is to edit the template by adding a small change to one of the activities in the template — such as a period to a summary or capitalizing a letter.

From the header drop-down, the ‘Update Opportunity from Template’ option will be available.

Once selected you will receive a warning message that you will need to confirm to apply the changes from the template.

Before this step, it is recommended that you check the template and familiarize yourself with any changes made to be sure that you would like those changes applied to the project.

Once you confirm the popup, the changes will be applied, and the screen will refresh. Your opportunity will now reflect the same details as the updated template!

Update Multiple Opportunities from a Template

If you have many practice opportunities created from a single template that you would like to update all at once, we’ve added a couple of options to achieve this from the template itself.

After a template’s activity details have been changed, 2 of the following options will be available from the template header drop-down:

1. Apply Changes to Existing Opportunities

This option works similarly to how applying template changes within an opportunity does, but this will apply the changes to all existing opportunities created from the template in one action.

From the template header, click on the ellipses button and select ‘Apply Changes to Existing Opportunities’. This will prompt an override warning which the user must confirm before changes will be made to the opportunities.

Restriction to Note! Updating an opportunity from the template is only available if a recent edit has been made on the template and has not already been applied to the opportunity. Our smart system detects when the practice opportunity tied to a template does not have the latest template changes. The action to apply changes to existing opportunities is only enabled once an edit has been made in the template and no recent changes have been applied to opportunities.

2. View Opportunities Using This Template

For situations where you would like to update some but not all opportunities created from the template, we’ve included an option that allows you to pick in bulk which opportunities you would like to apply updates.

By selecting ‘View Opportunities Using This Template’ a list will open of all the opportunities created from the template.

You’ll then be able to select opportunities via checkboxes and from the ‘Actions’ drop-down you’ll have the ‘Apply Template Updates’ option that will push the updates to all the selections.

Notification After Changes Have Been Applied

Once changes have been applied to an opportunity through any of the options above, the system administrators (users with the role of Admin) will receive an email notifying them of the changes that were applied as well as who applied them.

Date: March 20 2024
Subject: Physician Recruitment
Product Support
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager